Search Function

Firstly, ensure you have these lines inside your config.toml file

2   home = ["HTML", "RSS","JSON"]

Compose implements fuse.js to enable search functionality. At the time of this writing, search on these theme takes either of this forms:

This occurs only when the user loads the search page i.e /search/. They can directly navigate to that url. Alternatively, the user can type you search query on the search field and click enter. They will be redirected to the search page which will contain matched results if any.

This behaviour will be obvious as the user types a search query on the search field. All valid search queries, will yield a list of quick links or a simple no matches found. Else, the user will be prompted to continue typing.

Please note that the results under quick links will be a truncated list of the most relevant results. Only a maximum of 8 items will be returned. This number is pragmatic at best if not arbitrary. On the search page, the number is set to 12.

Note that live search on the search page will behave differently than on the other pages. Nonetheles, the pages apply the same live search principle.

Hitting enter while typing on the search page will be moot as that page’s content will live update as you type in the search word / phrase.

Customize search feedback labels

Use the i18n files to do so.

What is a valid search query

A valid search query must be long enough. If the search query can be cast as a float, then it only need contain one or more characters.

Else the search query must be at least 2 characters long.