Graphs, charts & dynamic tables

Using chart js library you can display data you have stored in a csv file as a pie chart, bar graph or doughnut chart.

At this point if you want to display data from a json or yaml file, you would need to convert it into csv first. Else the template will error out.

Once you have a csv file, you display the charts as follows:

Show a pie, doughnut & bar chart at once

Firstly define the data you want to display from the front matter:

 1# from front matter
 3[dataset1] # this key will in the chart shortcode
 4  fileLink = "content/projects.csv" # path to where csv is stored
 5  colors = ["#627c62", "#11819b", "#ef7f1a", "#4e1154"] # chart colors
 6  columnTitles = ["Section", "Status", "Author"]
 7  charts = ["bar", "doughnut", "pie", "table"]
 8  baseChartOn = 3 # number of column the chart(s) and graph should be drawn from
 9  piechart = true
10  doughnutchart = true
11  bargraph = true
12  title = "Projects"
13  table = true # show table listing the chart data
15// from page content
17{{< grid " mt-2" >}}
18  {{< chart "dataset1" >}}
19{{< /grid >}}

Show Table at once

Section Status Author
project 6 alpha weru
project 4 beta dan
project 4 candidate dahl
project y abandoned weru
project 1 alpha weru
project 4 beta ryan
project 4 candidate dan
project y abandoned weru
project 11 alpha dahl
project 4 beta dan
project 4 candidate dan
project A abandoned weru

Firstly define the data you want to display from the front matter:

 1# from page front matter
 3  fileLink = "content/themes.csv" # path to where csv is stored # this key will in the chart shortcode
 4  colors = ["#627c62", "#11819b", "#ef7f1a", "#4e1154"] # chart colors
 5  columnTitles = ["Theme", "Latest Version", "Owner"]
 6  title = "Hugo Themes"
 7  baseChartOn = 2 # number of column the chart(s) and graph should be drawn from
 8  piechart = false
 9  doughnutchart = true
10  bargraph = true
11  table = false # show table listing the chart data

Show only a pie and a doughnut chart

1// from page content
3{{< grid " mt-2" >}}
4  {{< chart "dataset2" >}}
5{{< /grid >}}

Show table with filter

Theme Latest Version Repo Owner
clarity V.1 chipzoller
compose V.1 weru
swift V.2 weru
newsroom V.1 weru

Show table only

Theme Latest Version Repo Owner
clarity V.1 chipzoller
compose V.1 weru
swift V.2 weru
newsroom V.1 weru